Bumblebees Have Smelly Feet Book Launch
Tauranga Library – Sunday, 8 September from 1pm
Please register for this event by visiting: www.library.tauranga.govt.nz
Tauranga City Libraries and BIOBees invite you to the launch of Bumblebees Have Smelly Feet by Rachel Weston. Bumblebees Have Smelly Feet takes you on an amazing bumblebee discovery, that will help children, and the young at heart, understand the important role bumblebees play in growing our delicious foods and in our ecosystem.
Come along and learn some fascinating buzz facts, information on why bumblebees have whiffy feet, how their bodies work, their super power eyesight, their family life cycle and more. A contained live hive of bumblebees will be on display and books will be available to purchase.